Wrong Bus
It looks late at night, or early in the morning. The weather is foreboding.
This picture by Scottish artist Charlie Baird is in my kitchen. I love this picture - a present from Julie.
It's called Wrong Bus.
It's a moment. The day has changed. They've missed the bus. They may just have started to talk to each other. They may be reaching for their phones.
It's a human moment. There's no doubt that transport is human.
Uncertainty, foreboding (maybe it's the light) - the Wrong Bus..
Maybe it's a (visual) metaphor for most people's image of public transport. Most bus metaphors seem to be negative (used to convey a lack of control or direction).
The metaphor - visual or verbal - is so powerful in determining our attitudes and behaviour. What we picture in our mind's eye is as powerful as "reality" (please check the link to the wonderful Life Scientific podcast with Prof Emily Holmes).
More on metaphors later.