What's in a name?

Sympatric basically means that two species successfully live in the same place at the same time. They don’t fight each other or steal each other’s food or call each other names*. They are SYMPATRIC populations.

It’s from the Greek words for “together” and “homeland”

I think it is appropriate for my view on transport, technology and people.

For success – however that is measured – there must be collaboration between operators, data, systems, people, communities and stakeholders, built on both mutual understanding and mutual benefit. 

Three things working together to create excellent mobility systems: transport, technology and people. 

But the greatest of these is people. And their lives.  And their stories.  Without a mutual positive narrative nothing good will happen.

Uncover and understand the stories and everything will be good. @mobilitystories

*I didn’t enjoy biology at school.  There are many aspects to the definition of sympatric species.  I have cherry picked slightly (I ignore the interbreeding bits).