Dot: Safety and belonging in Tiree

When were you last on a bus? What is your favourite transport app?
Today it is about island transport and life with Dot in Tiree!
Talking to Dot - and slurping our coffee (sorry) it reminded me of when I went to visit Dot in Tiree we scooted around the island in her car. She seemed to know everyone and we pulled over to have quick chats with neighbours walking their dogs, or driving their cars. Greetings and snippets of information were exchanged. That had started when I landed and Dot was chatting to the airport staff and waving to the ground staff.
It felt like community. Transport felt closer. It was part of your life. Transport truly a part of human connectivity.

About to meet someone (again!) as we are out and about...
The transport profession likes to show itself to be moving forward by talking about accessibility (to places and services) instead of transport. Or talking about connectivity (to places and services) instead of transport. But in rural and island life transport IS connectivity – connection to other people, where they know your name, or your car, or wave, or talk and sing on the ferry. The airport is physically close, but also at the end of a phone line. The ferry is there, you can see it coming in (and track it on the Marine Traffic app!). When Dot’s daughter was married on the beach, the CalMac ferry tooted it’s approval. Connectivity to people then and also the people in the transport service.
When is a door not a door – when it’s a jar.
When is transport not transport – all the time.
When it’s a meeting opportunity. When it’s a chance meeting. When it’s a knowledge exchange. When it’s a visual experience. When it’s a community meet-up.
Perhaps we can learn what is missing from mobility and transport when we look at rural and island areas. Actually, not what’s missing but what is important: what is the fundamental basis for understanding, managing, operating, funding and expanding the transport offer. Safety and belonging.
From the chat with Dot:
The interconnectedness of affordable housing and being capable of delivering rural and island services is described perfectly in this letter.
The death of a bus service
Dot's wonderful jewellery is here. Next time you are in Tiree pop in to her workshop - or do mail order!
Music Credit: Life of a Wandering Wizard by Serge Quadrado